Jack Boots in America - Crime or Terrorism?

The Chronicle for our jack booted law enforcement who insist they are Gods. Law enforcement was created by the people and for the people, NOT to create a police state. The other disturbing trend is more criminal activity is being portrayed as "terrorism", or being filed under the guise of the Patriot Act.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Federal marshals arrest wrong man in S.J.

According to the article "A San Jose man wrongfully arrested on sex charges by the U.S. Marshals Service was released from Santa Clara County Jail late Thursday night."

It also seems
"The name, address, drivers license and birthday matched up information provided by the Prince George County Police Department."

However, the most shocking thing buried in the story is this
"Sgt. Dalia Rodriguez of the sheriff's office said once Glover told the court that he was not the person in question, authorities contacted law enforcement officials in Maryland and requested a photograph of the man wanted for the sexual assaults." "By looking at the photo, we believe at this point the person they arrested was not the right person," Rodriguez said."

Lets see here, you are a Federal Agent, assigned the task of hunting down a sex criminal and the first thing you do is NOT request a photograph of the person you will be arresting. But wait, they already said they had the drivers license information.

Please, if you are law enforcement, take a moment and make sure the people you will be arresting, breaking into their homes, storming apartments with SWAT teams or the like, that you actually know what is going on.

Those who are in law enforcement are supposed to be there because they have training, and they have studied for it, and they have experience. They are also supposed to be public servants. Coming up with an oops, sorry, just doesn't cut it any more.

Don't keep doing stupid things, or you will end up on my jackboots in America blog.


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